HUSBAND David Albert LANGSTON | |||
Birth | 19 July 1926 | Decatur, Adams County, Indiana, USA | |
Death | 19 July 1993 | Decatur, Adams County, Indiana, USA (Adams County Memorial Hospital) | |
Burial | 24 July 1993 | Decatur Cemetery, Decatur, Washington Township, Adams County, Indiana, USA | |
Occupation |
| engineer; 503 Stratton Way, Decatur, Adams County, Indiana, USA | |
| 313-22-2773 (Indiana, bef. 1951). Last residence: Decatur, Adams County, Indiana; | |
Note |
| David died of gastric hemorrhage. He suffered from metastatic renal cell carcinoma (from death certificate); | |
Marriage | 17 January 1948 | Decatur, Adams County, Indiana, USA | |
WIFE Sanna Florence KUNKEL | |||
Birth | 4 March 1921 | Adams County, Indiana, USA | |
Death | 23 October 1992 | Decatur, Adams County, Indiana, USA (Adams County Memorial Hospital) | |
Burial | 28 October 1992 | Decatur Cemetery, Decatur, Washington Township, Adams County, Indiana, USA | |
Note |
| Sanna died of carcinoma of the endometrium with metastases to the bone, liver abd lungs (fromd eath certificate); | |
| 311-16-8371 (Indiana, bef. 1951). Last residence: Decatur, Adams County, Indiana; | |
Anne Louise LANGSTON | |||
Birth | 9 January 1951 | Decatur, Adams County, Indiana, USA | |
Occupation | July 1996 | department superintendent; 6440 N. 400 W., Decatur, Adams County, Indiana, USA | |
Marriage | 16 July 1996 | Verlin Clifton "Butch" BUTCHER; First Presbyterian Church, Decatur, Adams County, Indiana, USA |
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